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Tima's founders routinely write and speak about their core topics of concern. Below is a selection of recent relevant publications and public appearances. For a more complete list, please visit Aili's and Joshua's LinkedIn pages.


Recent publications by Aili Pyhälä:


Pyhälä, A. (2024). Decolonizing nature conservation according to natural law: learning from the Kogui. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 20(3). Available here.


Reyes-García,V., Gallois, S., Pyhälä, A., Díaz-Reviriego, I., Fernández-Llamazares, A., Galbraith, E., Miñarro, S., Napitupulu, L. (2021). Happy, just because. A cross-cultural study on subjective wellbeing in three Indigenous societies. PlosOne 16(5): e0251551. Available here.


Guttorm, H., Kantonen, L., Kramvig, B., Pyhälä, A. (2021). Decolonized Research-Storying: Bringing Indigenous Ontologies and Care into the Practices of Research Writing. In: Virtanen, P., Keskitalo, P., & Olsen, T. (Eds.) Indigenous Research Methodologies in Sámi and Nordic Contexts, Sense Brill, pp. 113-143. Available here.


Pyhälä, A. (2020). Resistance to ‘development’ amongst the Kogui of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In: Colbourne, R. and Anderson, R. (eds.) Indigenous Wellbeing and Enterprise; Self- Determination and Sustainable Economic Development. Routledge, Taylor & Frances. Available here.


Fernández-Llamazares, A., Terraube, J., Gavin, M.C., Pyhälä, A., Siani, S.M.O., Cabeza, M., Brondizio, E.S. (2020). Reframing the wilderness concept can bolster collaborative conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 9. Available here.


Aili interviewed in November 2019 on the EXALT podcast regarding her views on decolonizing Indigenous studies. Available here.


Aili interviewed in December 2017 for The Arctic Centre on her work with Indigenous Knowledge. Available here.


Reyes-García, V. and Pyhälä, A. (2017) Hunter-gatherers in a changing world. Springer (257 pgs). Available here.


Pyhälä, A., Fernández-Llamazares, A., Lehvävirta, H., Byg, A., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Salpeteur, M., Thornton, T. (2016) Global Environmental Change: Local perceptions, understandings and explanations. Ecology and Society 21(3):25. Available here.


Pyhälä, A. (2013). In Search for Global Sustainability and Justice: How Permaculture Can Contribute to Development Policy. In: Lockyer, J. and Veteto, J. (Eds) Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages. Berghahn Books. (pgs 195-212). Available here.​



Select remarks and publications by Joshua Fouts:

Ings, S. (2020). Man raised alongside chimps says it should never happen again. New Scientist.  Available here.


Fouts, J.S. (2018). Alignment and Appreciation - How Bioneers Became A Leading Informational Ecosystem. Remarks given at the 2018 Climate Solutions Group participation in the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit. Available here.

Fouts, J.S. (2019). What I Learnt from Living with Chimpanzees. Remarks to the Edmund Hillary Fellowship in New Zealand, February 2019. Available here.

Fouts, J.S. (2012). Points of Science: A Cultural Proposal. Nature. 25th July 2012. Available here.

Fouts, J.S. (2011). Using Virtual World Journalism for Health Education, Journal of Healthcare, Science and the Humanities, A Navy Medicine Publication, 1(2), 127-140. Available here.


Fouts, J.S. (2008). Social Media and Immersive Worlds: Why International Place Branding Doesn't Get Weekends Off. Springer. Available here.


Fouts, J.S. (Ed.) (2006) Public Diplomacy and Public Opinion 2006: A Report of the Public Diplomacy and World Public Opinion Forum, Annenberg. 11 April 2006. Available here.

Fouts, J.S. (2006). Rethinking Public Diplomacy for the 21st Century: A Toolbox for Engaging the Hearts and Minds of the Open Source Generation. Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands.      Available here.



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